Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Long Haul Trucker + Merckx - Local rides March 2nd and 3rd 2014

Long Haul Trucker  +  Merckx - Local rides March 2014

This weekend we have had lovely weather, cool but clear.
Yesterday I had a bit of time in the afternoon before I had to meet Heather in Thurso so went out on the Merckx for a nice leisurely ride. Took a long circuitous way to end up on the shorefront for a coffee and cake with Heather in a friends café. Stayed a bit too long and had to head back the most direct route to try and beat the darkness. In the pic just below its the road that goes across the pic on the coast from far left to the other side of Dunnett Head.
Just one of those nice, lovely day rides.

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 Had a couple of hours this afternoon and another glorious day so decided to head out on the Long Haul Trucker. I have a ride coming up and wanted to see how much slower the Trucker would be and see if an upcoming Audax ride might be better to go for comfort at the expense of a bit of time.
Anyway it was a nice ride in the opposite direction of the county than yesterday. I took a zigzag route from home south and then headed over to Wick, then out to John O'Groats and follow the coast home. While it was sunny it was quite cold and as I left mid afternoon it got very cold by the end. I could see my breath and my camera fogged up. After battling a major headwind on the section across to Wick I turned North and then stopped at a little village and bought a coke and a Mars bar and sat on the step at the cemetery for a break. Next stop was just before home at JOG's where like yesterday I met up with Heather for a large, warming coffee and the usual cake ;)
Another lovely day on the road, then home to watch Kuurne Brussel Kuurne, and am now sitting watching the world track championship as I type this.
I hope everyone else had a nice weekend and just thought I'd share.


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