Wednesday, 6 June 2018

March 2015 - Long Haul Trucker Dunnet Head and Coast with Brian

And now back to normal service :wink:

Last weekend Brian came up my way for a ride around the coast. We had planned on going a fair way west to get in some longer miles and hours in the saddle in preperation for the Audax run in July. To also give his recently reunited with Avanti 29'er fitted out for audaxing a proper shakedown. Though after having to cancel on Saturday due to gale force winds and heavy rain we decided to try on Sunday as it was forecast to be fine until early afternoon.
Anyway we only had a couple of hours to ride as you could see the weather closing in, we had also decided on the Saturday evening to keep it local so we could get out of the weather if it turned as bad as was forecast.
In the end we had a leasurely ride from home up to Dunnett Head for a good look about, a short bit of off roading to veiw the cliffs and see whats returned to nest. Around the coast a bit and stopping off to take pictures, watch the seals etc.
Whilst up at Dunnett head we had seen the clouds/rain obscuring Hoy to the north but it was only when we turned round and looked to the west we noticed what was coming!
To our immediate west was a blanket of black cloud with a curtain of rain already falling, not quite biblical but certainly flying monkey stuff. It was followed along the northern coast by steadily worsening and shorter interval of sun between the ever closing in clouds.
Upon ringing Heather and saying we would be home shortly we were informed that it was good timing for lunch and would we like Fajitas? So with the first drops of rain falling we were heading home, we didn't really need much motivation now we new lunch was on the way.
So thats really just a long winded way of saying we didn't ride far but we had a few hours out and I for one had a really nice ride. Its nice to do a ride that I would normally do by myself with a mate. Normally I dont ride the Trucker up Dunnett Head, I'm either just clocking up a extra few klm's after a long road ride on the Merckx or am off roading on the Pugs.
I then spent the following couple of hours after Brian headed home watching Gent Welvgem on the TV. So a really cool Sunday.
Just thought I would share.


 photo DSCN0926.jpg  photo DSCN0936.jpg  photo DSCN0932.jpg  photo DSCN0923.jpg  photo DSCN0935.jpg  photo DSCN0930.jpg Avanti - Dunnet Head & Jamie

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