Thursday, 7 June 2018

May 17th 2015 Bonar Bridge - Ledmore and return Macretro ride

It was the best of times , it was the worst of times............................................ no, not that big a write up ;)

It was good to meet and ride with Nigel from Inverness. Now we have another member not too far away and hopefully we will meet up for a mountain bike ride down that way soon. It was also good to catch up with Andy as its been a while. Brian was his usual good humoured self, despite the force of the headwind that greeted him on the 1930's roadster.
While we rolled out around 10 after waiting to see if anyone else showed. It was the right thing to do, not because we actually thought some one would show. The forecast had looked pretty bleak for most of the week.
It didn't let us down either as we started in overcast, cold, conditions with a few spots of rain and it was basically on and off all day. We were really lucky with the rain, with one or two exceptions, as we either seemed to just get a few spots at the start or the end of a shower. We got a bit damp here and there but otherwise it was fine and some sections were really clear and sunny. The main difference I felt between this and the fortnight before was that it was really chilly. I had on a merino long sleeve, a thin short sleeve jersey and a snug rain jacket and while I was warm, as soon as you took it off it was quite cool. So it would go on for the rain and then back off for the climbs etc. We had a big downpour just at the Lairg turnoff at Rosehall and it was heavy and cold. We sheltered in the forestry shelter in Brians pic above. Glad it was there as there's not too many places to shelter out that way.
Anyway I think everyone gets the idea and I think the pictures say it far better than I can, suffice to say that it was a good ride and everyone enjoyed it. Its beautiful scenery and always looks a bit different each time due to the conditions etc.
Thanks to the Andy and Nigel for coming along and to Brian for coming along to the ride and the recce. Not that we need an excuse to go riding :)
Another ride up this way I was thinking of a two day ride out to Farad Head/Cape Wrath from Durness end of summer. Also a Road run in autumn on the tourers etc to Lochinvar. Basically these are runs I am looking at doing and would be more than happy to have some company ;)


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