Friday, 8 June 2018

Dec 2015 Global Fatbike Day

Well Global fatbike Day was upon us and so was some pretty atrocious weather. From when I left home to when I returned 12 and half hours later, it didn't stop raining I don't think.
Another good, but different day out.
To quote another epic: 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'

Well, it was maybe not as long as planned, but hey, sometimes that's the way it goes. It was pretty Baltic, wet, freezing, windy, pretty much winter :)
We did have a late start as I had to drop my Pugsley off and sort details for a freshen up and makeover first.
Picked Brian up and then dropped the Pugs off. Afterwards we sat in the Velocity café having a late breakfast/snack before heading to Brians to pick up his van and bike.
A quick cuppa and sort the bikes and we were off. I did bring my 1X1 with me seen as my Pugs was stripped down but Brian kindly offered me the loan of one of his fatbikes to use instead. From the diverse selection available I chose the 9zero7 as I had yet to ride one of these beauties. A larger size than what I am used to but once we set the seat way down it felt great, reach was nice without feeling stretched. The ride didn't disappoint either, noticeably light compared to my Pugs, though I do run Large Marges and proper fat tubes 8) , different bars that I really liked the feel of as well, I have been using the Titec Jones H bars on my 1X1 and Pugs for a few years now so quite often feel strange when using other bars but these felt natural and comfortable from the off. Gearing was sweet as well, quite easy, maybe a bit easier than I normally run on my own singlespeeds but was welcomed for the few steep climbs. We didn't go much further than the first vitrified fort and at the summit decided that the surrounding clouds obscuring the mountains and the sleety rain wasn't going to let up too soon so we made our way down.
A short while later we were enjoying a cuppa in Square Wheels before heading back to Brians for a quick cuppa and then I had to drive back home.
Normally I would be disappointed with a short ride after a 5 odd hour round trip, but to tell the truth I wasn't, as I had had a productive day as I got the Pugsley work finalised and started, after much indecision. Hopefully it should turn out nice.
Thanks to Brian for letting me ride his 9Zero7, its always nice to ride something different.
Anyway, Happy Global fat Bike Day!


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