Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Sun Aug 27, 2017 - Riding with Caleb to Altnabreac - Flow Country

Yesterday Caleb and I headed out into the flow country with the ,maybe, destination, of Altnabreac station via Loch More. I use the term destination loosely as Caleb was taking his bike out there for the first time and seen as how since he lost his stabilisers only about 5 weeks ago, the furthest he has gone is about 2 miles, we just decided to play it by ear.
Plan was I would take the Big Dummy and when he got tired or needed a break then I would hook his bike up and take him in comfort.
It's only about a 15 mile round trip but with a 6 year old riding a 16'' wheeled singlespeed, it was never going to be at race pace. I thought we will get as far as he wants and then I will haul him back, no pressure to get anywhere, we had drinks, sandwich's and snacks so it was just an afternoon out.
We loaded the car up around lunch to drive out to Strathmore and start near the Loch, a tight squeeze to get it in but as long as I could remember how it all went in then we should be right to get it home.
The first mile or so once we got going is rough heavy metal rock embedded in the dirt as this is the section that see's the odd car and the odd logging truck, after this it is through/over a gate that most cannot get access to except for the logging truck who have logged the next 1/4 mile or so, so once again it's rough but lots of loose metal rocks on top.
I said that I would take him to the end of this section as then it is into the estate forest road over a cattle grid and the road is a good sandy type surface. This lasted about 100 metres if that and he said he was good to ride. Off he went bouncing around, I explained to him about letting his legs take some of the weight and shock of the big bumps rather than his backside and to follow me so he would ride a smooth part of the road.
This went well until we were almost off the second part and onto the smooth stuff when down he went, front wheel hit a big rock and went left and he went right, grazed arm and hip as well as getting his foot stuck at an awkward angle. Thought that would be it and we were a few miles in but no he was determined to go further, I was quite proud of him as I wouldn't have blamed him at all for calling time, we had been out a long while already.
We had frequent stops along the way and ate our sandwich's at the small fishing loch before pushing on to the station itself. I had said to him earlier where he really dug deep up a hill and then stopped for a drink and said about getting to the station, that it was still a long way to go. He was certainly determined to make the station and make it under his own steam as well as I offered to give him a lift, but he wasn't having it. Must admit I was very proud as it was a giant effort to go that far and took a lot out of him as well as took him a long time. By now the wind had picked up slightly and the clouds had started to darken so was quite pleased after about a mile into the return journey that he said he would like to go on the Dummy.
We made it back to the car and got packed pretty quick as I was conscious of the time and the fact we had to get home for dinner. It was a late one but well worth it.
A great afternoon and while I was obviously very proud and kept giving him praise and encouragement along the way, I could see he was really pleased that he had made it to the station. I think he was happy to prove he could do it to himself as much as me. He didn't make a big deal or boast, he was quite quiet actually, but a happy and content quiet. He must have rode at least 7 or 8 miles, so a very good effort.
Not retro again, I know, but just thought I would share.


Fully loaded car, Dummy reaches from front passenger to the tailgate, only with the bars turned 21083208_1271725492956192_6929451945184826898_o 21125382_1271717322957009_6709097848812580715_o 21167777_1271717539623654_1413315984670431686_o 21083274_1271718176290257_6465535965278179360_o 21077417_1271718622956879_675779410837751411_n 21167303_1271718679623540_7527215358409285612_o 21200455_1271718746290200_637312138013820958_o 21125721_1271718619623546_8431453485601586264_o

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