Monday, 7 December 2020

Saturday 5th December 2020 - Global fat Bike Day - Pugsley

Due to social distancing etc this year and other concerns Brian and I decided to have a pretty low key Global Fat Bike Day for 2020. We did put the details of where we were riding on one of the pages in case anyone wanted to join us but neither of us wanted to join a bigger ride. 

After driving down to Brians early on we had decided to ride up around the hills around Ben Wyvis and on the trails in amongst the Strathpuffer course. We knew we were in for a wet one as it had been raining on and off all week but had been pretty hard for the past 24hours with little let up. So no different from some of the more recent GFBD rides :) 

 Brian was on his carbon Fatty with carbon rims etc so his was going to float regardless :) Plus he had 5.5 tyres as opposed to my slim 4.0 Nates. 

What a great day out, we just plodded away through the hills following trails we knew, taking detours when the tracks looked interesting, surviving on Snickers. I was glad I put my wet trousers on over my Keelas as this and my jacket with my winter boots meant I actually stayed completely dry underneath. 

On one of the steep downhill bends Brian was doing his usual trail archaeology digging to find a handful of studs and a tubeless valve, this meant that whenever I stopped on a downhill I was looking for little shiny studs buried in the ground :)  I didn't even want them but one of those things that once you see them then you start seeing them everywhere :) 

So despite the cold, and it was cold on the face on the high exposed ground and the volume of water it was great to be back out on the Pugsley as well as being back singlespeeding after what seems ages but in reality is only a couple of months. Great day out and well worth the early drive south for sure. Another thoroughly enjoyable GFBD. 


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