Sunday, 15 November 2020

November 15th 2020 - Jack Taylor Super Clubman - Local backroads and laneway ride

Today was the first day in a while it looked like it might stay dry and so in between trying to get things out the loft to finish building the Mercian tourer for Brians big gravel ride next weekend, finish cutting and putting up the shelves in Calebs room I managed to slip out this afternoon for a couple of hours rolling around the country side on the Jack Taylor. 
 Lockdown has put a bit of a curb on being able to, and wanting to travel too far from home which means the large majority of my rides lately seem to be local. This means finding new routes etc to try and keep it fresh. 
Which is what I did today, I got to one point in my ride where on a nice quiet stretch of laneway I just thought ' what is up that dirt track straight ahead, rather than turning left?' as is usual lately. This led to a great shortish but steep climb up a gravel track that eventually just went to a dead end gate at radio mast. It was great trying to race up this gravel and mud climb with out standing up as then I would wheel slip so it was sit back and grind away. 
The roads were damp and muddy being we've had so much rain and the farms are all working overtime getting ready for winter. Seemed to dodge the rain in a few places as would see it ahead and then find the road in front of me sodden but thankfully I managed to stay completely dry. 
 The Super Clubman was it's usual superb self. I can't express how nice this is to ride, so relaxed and comfortable and the 33mm Jackie Brown tyres soak up all of the roughness from these chewed up back roads. They are also quite nice on the gravel as well, quite supple. 
 Hope everyone else managed to have some decent weather and managed to get a ride in as well. 
I am going to try and get the Mercian King of Mercia touring model back together for Brians gravel ride out of Dingwall next weekend with the Highland Classic Bike Group. Snow is forecast for next weekend so should be fun. 
If I don't have the Mercian ready then it will be down to the JT which is no hardship :) 

 Jamie IMG_4246 IMG_4247 IMG_4248 IMG_4249 IMG_4250 IMG_4257 IMG_4259 IMG_4260 IMG_4265 IMG_4266 IMG_4270 IMG_4273

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