Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Sunday 12 July 2020 - Sunday evening Jack Taylor coast ride.

Yesterday, Saturday,  had a very enjoyable day as the family and I ventured slightly south to visit with Brian and Sheena, socially distancing of course, as I had a BSA frame and some bikepacking gear I had to drop off but really just to visit and have an outside lunch at the Highland café. Along the way I had picked up a 50's Viking frame and fork and seeing as how it wasn't my size but was spot on for Brian he ended up getting two frames. It wasn't all one sided as I left with a frame in my size, a very lovely 1930's BSA Golden Vase! and a lovely set of polished 27'' Weinmann rims for the JT Sport. It seemed the perfect solution, win win. Both Sheena and Heather were wondering whether this was some sort of elaborate plan ;)
Anyway on to today and after getting a bit of work done around the garden for Heather and sorting the on the ground plans for the new shed we hope to get building before the end of summer I did manage to get out for a ride, just local but a good hour and a half to help clear the head. Out on the JT Super Clubman as it has really become my favourite ride of late. Glad I did as it started chucking it down not too long after I got in.
Nothing too far or fancy just a small quiet selection of back lanes looping back round to the coast and then back along the windy by now, coast.   
I went on a quick stop at the old Olrig cemetery and the old ruined medieval church to have another look for the Selkie woman's grave. Didn't find it but I wasn't looking too hard. It was nice to sit outside as it is such a peaceful place, not many people go there as there is a modern cemetery not far away and across the lane is a Commonwealth war cemetery, again seldom visited, they are well hidden away from any main thorough fares, which in some ways is a shame. From there I wound my way round to come out back on the coast for a cruise back home. Well the whole ride was short on distance and taken at a leisurely pace just spinning along enjoying being out.
Hope everyone else has had an enjoyable weekend.


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