Thursday, 8 August 2019

7th August 2019 - Mercian repaint - Lug lining finished and ready for a last clear coat

Well a couple of photos from Mertin yesterday showing the lugs lined and the cutouts lined but not filled to see if I wanted it this way or completely filled, also to double check that I wanted the black lining around the head tube.
Decisions, decisions, who would have thought painting a bike would involve so many decisions.
It does always amaze me as it is these small decisions, the finishing touches that can also make a big difference yet when the thought of repainting is going on it is really just the colours that dominate the thought process. I had never thought of not filling in the cutouts as that is the way it was and it is the way most lugged frames that are lined are done, if they have cut outs. Though when presented with the question and the photos of the small hearts just lined not filled I instantly thought WOW! that looks so nice, a bit more subtle if that's the correct word.
So I replied yes, definitely leave them just lined and the headtube lined in black. Then in the morning I started thinking maybe I should fill the cutouts in as that seems to be how it's done and it may look better. After a short discussion and deciding that I like the lined cutouts more it was left as is.
To say I am really pleased with how this is looking is an understatement and I imagine it will look even better in the flesh.
Once again all thanks  and praise go to Dave Colbeck and Martin Battison who are artists of the highest order.
I am having to rethink some of the build for this as I cannot in good conscience put some of the old spares box stuff back on and so have a couple of items still to get to add to those I have been squirrelling away for the past couple of years.
Anyway here is a couple of shots of the lining in progress.

6 1 2 4 5 7 11 13 14

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