Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Sunday 31st March 2019 - Merckx Corsa Extra 1st Spring Ride

It was a lovely day up here today, slight wind blowing but nowhere near as bad as the last week. I could tolerate the wind a bit easier due to the lovely sunshine.
Lovely sunny spring Sunday spent relaxing with the family, late breakfast etc so a really chilled morning, then got stuck into a few jobs that needed doing around the place all the while planning a ride out later in the afternoon on the trusty Merckx. Shameful to say that it is only the first time out this year for my pampered favourite :)  This was also the start of the classics this week with E3 on Thursday and Gent -Welvgem today, favourite time of year. So after a great race on the box I went out and put in some quick miles and realised why I love this bike so much. It just seems effortless, fits like a glove and is so precise and slick in all respects. While I bought this frame and built it up almost 18 years ago it still feels like new to me, despite lots and lots of miles. I suppose I maintain this pretty tightly but every time I think I will upgrade something, I end up leaving it as it works faultlessly. It was built as a do it all workhorse and it far exceeds that.
Camera died while out on the ride so took a couple when I got in. I have had this for a long time but it still feels like my new bike to me. I have a full 7400 Dura Ace kit to fit to it one day but this works perfectly for me and my riding and it's how I built it for what I needed. Long before it was ever 'retro'  ;) 
While due to storage it has gone back in the loft for the next week with the wheels tucked away in their bag until I can make some room in the small shed. Anyway a good family day with a good spring classic followed by a good ride on a great bike in the sunshine!  Long may it last and hopefully the day was as nice for everyone else.


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