Thursday, 14 March 2019

Sunday March 10, 2019 - Big dummy ride to deliver supplies.

Out this afternoon on the Big Dummy to take the camp stove and tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc over to Heather and Caleb who were busy working to get a field and stable ready to move a friends horses into. Not too far, only about 8 miles each way so relatively close to home.
It was damp and cold when I left as winter has returned, making for a much cooler ride out than what has been usual these past few weeks. I didn't get too far before the first of the days little annoyances struck. The Surly singulator used to keep the long chain on the BD tensioned had unwound the bolt holding the  guide together and had unwound until it was hitting the spokes. Fortunately it sounded a lot worse than it actually was and while it was slightly bent  I could put the bolt back in and screw it all back together on the side of the road. I was just short of my destination when the rain started, not too heavy but that sort that looks like it has set in for a few days. I had my wet weather jacket on but didn't bother bringing over trousers. So after a cuppa or two and a couple of biscuits while waiting for the second horse to arrive I thought I better head back. 
Then just as I was about to head back home in the rain that hadn't stopped since just before my arrival, it started sleeting and hailing, coming down hard and fast. Instantly soaked and felt like I was back at the Strathpuffer 24h  only moving a lot slower, hands and toes were instantly numb. Water was flowing down the roads like streams and the dirt shortcut, well, not one of my better ideas ;) 
 Still any ride is better than no ride. That's what I have to tell myself so I keep pedalling anyway :)
It could have been worse as yesterday Brian and I postponed our ride out to Altnabreac as the weather was meant to close in with some rain, snow and 'near' gale force winds. I think my forecast said about 50mph or so. Brian text me midday or so and said lucky we did postpone as he spotted a report that said Dunnet Head, which is just down the road from home, had reported gusts of 82mph in the morning! 
Hope it was a bit drier and calmer wherever you are :)


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