Monday, 4 February 2019

Monday 4th February 2019 - New Bottle Cage for the Big Dummy

Arrived home to find the postie had delivered my new bottle cage for the Big Dummy. It's a PDW Owl Cage.
I originally went to buy one of the Always Riding water bottles from their shop then seen they were on sale and also spotted they had a couple of the Owl cages well reduced.
I had been meaning to buy one of their bottles for a long time as the design is really nice and I could always do with a new bottle as a few of my older ones are leaking around the lid/spout. I also kept meaning to get an Owl cage for the Dummy but again just never got round to it as I had a normal cage on there so it was never a priority, then when I went looking a while back I noticed there were fewer to be found as PDW came out with newer designs. The same goes for Caleb wanting a PDW lucky cat cage, they are hard to find but he really wants one as he has a Chinese lucky cat in his room and generally just loves cats. Thankfully Pascal at Always Riding is trying to order him one.
I went to put them in my basket but at the checkout it just wouldn't go through, remembered in the morning to give them a ring and was told just order the cage at the reduced price as the bottles are free if you buy a cage as they are already packed with the cages. Ended up getting the Zefel bottle I wanted with the Owl cage I thought I had missed out on for less than the price of a bottle. Bargain! 
Sometimes it the little things ;)
And remember to check out the good people at

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