Sunday, 28 October 2018

28/10/2018 - Sunny Sunday coastal ride on the Long Haul Trucker

Out for a few hours this afternoon on the Long Haul Trucker, such a nice day very sunny minimal wind though definitely cold, crisp, but very cold.
Needed to set the Trucker up with it's lights etc ready for the winter, the darker days and evenings, ready for days out as well as the odd commute.
Once I had a few things sorted and a bit of maintenance finished it was nice to just get out and ride. First off I had to return some borrowed tools to a friend who helped me with some car work the other week but then it was just cruising round the coastline and up to Dunnett Head. No rush just enjoying the nice weather on a quiet Sunday. The weather was certainly turned to it's winter ways as it was only about 4 degrees celcius, though with very little wind and being wrapped up it was fine. The sun being out made it seem so much better. The Trucker as usual was a joy to ride and looking forward to doing a few more winter brevets on it.
I suppose I have had it a good many years now and have done quite a lot of miles on it as it's been the go to machine for all this time as it's just so reliable, well set up so that it fits like a glove but mainly because it rides so nicely over pretty much any type of terrain.  
Home to a bit of mock up work on the Big Dummy sidecar and trying to sort things with the standard front end, which now won't go back on until spring most likely. The SP Dynamo wheel build will fit both the Dummy and the Trucker so will get some spokes this week and get that done, ready to go. That's the plan anyway.


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1 comment:

  1. Looks like you got brilliant weather. I love this type of countryside but unfortunately I live in a big, dirty city and to get to the countryside one has to travel really far through mad traffic. Keep riding.


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