Sunday, 26 August 2018

August25th 2018 - Big Dummy solo and Dunnet Head

As Caleb was away at a Beaver campout last night and I also didn't make it down to the Jack Taylor ride in Yorkshire (very sadly). Gutted to miss it as Ken Taylor was in attendance and was looking forward to meeting up with everyone, but after a long month with being in Germany and then a couple of nights home then down to Edinburgh for work and only home Thursday it was just a bit much, this plus Heather having car issues sealed it. Will hopefully get away with Brian for a ride tomorrow down south of Rothiemurcus following the cycle route #7 down to Ballinluig but over the Drumochter pass.
Anyway, I went out yesterday afternoon for a ride on the Big Dummy, minus my co pilot, minus the sidecar. It was late on and after being out already on it with Spot for a walk so he gets used to it for his sidecar, I thought I would roll round the coast and aim for Dunnet Head. Weather stayed nice for me which was good though the wind from the north was pretty strong. As can be seen there is not much in the way of trees or hills to stop the wind so there is no hiding from it. Forecast was not good so someone got it wrong, lucky for me. 
Left Heather studying and gave her some peace for a few hours.
Hope everyone else is having a decent weekend and hope the weathers good where ever you are.


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