Easter Weekend ride part 2:
A weekend away south to Aviemore to meet up with family and friends from even further south and spend some time together over the long weekend. We only really get to see each other once, maybe twice a year so it's always good. They are not bike people at all but seen as how this year we were meeting in Aviemore, which I ride regularly in the area and also I know that getting them all ready for breakfast usually takes until at least 10.00am or so, I put the Jack Taylor as well as my Pugsley in the van. As I have done in the past, I will get up early and head out before the others are all up and spend a couple of hours exploring, then back for a quick shower and breakfast with everyone.
The weather was a mixed bag with Saturday being fine first thing for my time out on the Pugsley for it to then rain for most of the rest of Saturday. The Saturday Pugsley ride is in the previous post.Sunday morning with the Jack Taylor ready and waiting to go I was up, washed and ready to go but was a bit concerned that it was foggy, minus 2 and, quite icy still, as I found out when I stepped out of the static caravan onto the plastic decking! looked like little puddles of water but it was ice! Everything was frozen.
Not to worry as the path and the roads looked alright so I decided to ride the all weather dirt path up to Glenmore and see what the weather was doing once I gained some altitude.
Well it didn't take too long, just a mile or two before the sun was poking through and everything was steaming away, there was a bit of ice about but as long as you were careful it was fine. The track was pretty good and the freeze helped to solidify a lot of the mud, so more welcome than not. This 6 mile path, while dirt, seems to drain fairly well and with just the right amount of embedded gravel to hit that nice blend of grip while not being too rough. The JT ran nicely with the 33mm Jackie Brown tyres fitted, running around 50psi.
With the sun out I kept going upwards, especially after the cafe at the Glenmore visitors centre was closed.
I did find when I got home tonight and unloaded out the van that all five chainring bolts were loose. Now loctited. Maybe it was a little rougher in places than I thought. :)