Sunday, 26 November 2023

Sunday 26th November 2023 - Jack Taylor Super Tourist - wet coastal ride

 Out again today and seen as how it hadn’t rained yesterday or this morning, I thought I would be fine to take the Super Tourist for a few hours round the coast before winter closes in and the roads are too salty and too wet. For winter the Super Tourist will get tucked away and the Super Clubman comes back to the fore. It’s already battle hardened to the northern winter, meaning it's patina is well waxed. 

The roads here have been wet and damp for the last month with the salting of the roads already well underway. Certainly not the best environment for anything let alone polished or chromed metal. 

As can be seen, I didn’t get too far before the rain came driving in off the sea.

I managed a bit further than last weekend before it got me, but just meant longer pushing into the headwind home. At least I got few hours out and about and christened the tourer in the rain. First rain it has ever felt. ðŸ˜³

I love riding this one but still needs a few tweaks. Mainly just the front derailleur as I hadn't swapped the cable out yet and then properly adjust as I am sure that will sort it. I will most likely fully strip it over the winter and grease, service and adjust everything at the same time.
It handles really nice and I am sure with a front load on it, it will really come into it's own. Just a shame the weather has been so dreadful up here lately so have not had much chance to take this out, let alone get away for a tour. I have been riding my Super Clubman but must admit with this being so spotless, I didn't really want to ride it on the gritty, greasy roads. I am glad I did. 

Hope you all had a nice weekend.


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Home to dry off in the kitchen 

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Monday, 6 November 2023

5th November 2023 - Bullitt Ride

 After a very wet and windy couple of weeks, today was quite nice, sunny for the most part but still cold with the roads not drying out much at all. I don't think they will completely dry now for a few months. 

I had a few things to get done this afternoon and one of those was to visit a friend where my Royal Enfield is parked up until my new shed is built, this has now been delayed and not likely to get done until next spring, but the Enfield is tucked up with his bikes, with battery out and now on trickle charge. 

It was a good excuse to load up the Bullitt with some tools and a bike cover and head out. While it is just up the road from home I made sure I went way past and travelled the long way round as it was such a nice winters afternoon. The sun was quite low but was oh so bright in the clear afternoon sky. The quiet backroads on a Sunday afternoon suited the Bullitt perfectly. No hauling to get to work or carry cargo from town out to home, this was a Sunday afternoon meander, enjoying the ride for the pure fun of it. 

Hope you have all had a nice Sunday as well. 



Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Shortly after I was home this is what the sky looked like looking northward Untitled

25th December 2024 - Christmas Bike for Caleb

  I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and managed to spend time with family or friends. We had a very lovely relaxed Christmas with the t...