Friday, 27 October 2023

17th October 2023 - Pugsley ride with Brian - Strathpeffer/Ben Wyvis

 Well I did manage to get down to Brians on the Tuesday and it was a glorious day. Very glad I did too as we all know how the week ended. Here in Scotland it was major storms with gale force winds and lots of flooding from Wednesday on.

So for my two weeks off work I managed 3 days that weren't raining or gale force winds. They were utilised for riding and the other days I was very productive, not least of which was plastering, sanding and painting  while Heather was away for a few days. Now of course I would rather have been riding and most likely would have been had the weather been better so at least that jobs out the way. I did manage to progress  a couple of builds and even sold my Midnight Special frame before I had even built it. It did go to pay for one of the recent purchases and I also have my old BMX for sale as well. Trying to be good and one in, one out. 

Anyway, Brian and I decided to get a few miles in around Strathpeffer and follow some sections of the Strathpuffer and join them up with some of our preferred trails. While lovely sunshine was out most of the day it was still quite cold with snow clearly visible on the high ground. Lots of water lying from the previous weeks rain but the trails were pretty well drained. 

The Pugsley ran really sweetly around the hills with the gearing making such a different feel to the bike. Not in the way I imagined it would either. After so many times racing here and just trail riding with Brian all over Ben Wyvis, I was surprised that along these sections I didn't feel much, if any faster but what I felt was that going up the big fire road climb that it was a bit easier and while not faster, I think after a few laps, I wouldn't be as fatigued and so over that timespan I would go further. But after ten or more years singlespeeding I did feel like I was cheating :)  

We of course stopped at the Deli in Strathpeffer beforehand and had lunch and cake ;) 


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Tuesday, 17 October 2023

16th October 2023 - Surly Pugsley - no longer singlespeed, now geared - Testing/shakedown Loch More

 For me being on holidays from work for two weeks, well the last week has been rubbish up this way, gale force winds, rain, as can be expected when I have my holidays booked.

Great time with the family but riding, not so great, though I have been keeping up with jobs in the shed and maintenance, even sorting an upcoming build.  :(

I spent Saturday afternoon finishing off putting gears on my Pugsley!!! I know, I know, obviously I have had some sort of breakdown as it has been well over ten years  i think since I ran gears on a modern off roader, and put a 1X9 setup on it. I already had the XT hub running the singlespeed so I swapped it out for a 12/34 cassette and kept my 32 ring on the front. I have secretly had a 9 speed long cage XT mech for it and a Microshift thumbshifter since about 2012 or so it just took me a while to get round to fitting it.
I did this for several reasons, 1 to make it a bit more versatile and to generally just change it round after riding it singlespeed exclusively since I built it 11 or 12 years ago now. Also as Caleb is just about outgrown his Baby Fatty On One and he fits the Pugs, then he will just get the Pugs and I will ride the 1X1. He is used to gears and will utilise it better with than without.

Today the weather was good and so this afternoon I took it out for a bit of a shakedown and play on the dirt roads to the west around Loch More and south in the flow country. Good afternoon for it as it stayed reasonably dry, just the odd little shower but with a good bit of sunshine poking through. The Pugsley ran fine with the gears being spot on and more just tweaking the cockpit a bit as I have put the Geoff bars back on as well. I was surprised by the Microshift thumbie as it felt a bit loose on the mounting but tight on the indexing, but in use it was one click each time and straight into gear, very precise, very solid feeling. Am going riding with Brian tomorrow, most likely around the Puffer track trails so that will be interesting as while we ride there regularly as well as at the Puffer, I have only ever run singlespeed so that will be fun.
Here is a couple of photos.

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25th December 2024 - Christmas Bike for Caleb

  I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and managed to spend time with family or friends. We had a very lovely relaxed Christmas with the t...