Well spent bits and pieces of the day sitting in the garden in the sunshine transforming the Big Dummy from it's 4 inch front end back to a more tarmac manageable 2.5. After a breakfast of coffee and cannoli it was into it. The back end was easy enough just take off the cargo fitting, release the Alfine hub and swap out the tyres. The front while easy enough meant dropping the whole lot out and swapping the Hope headset back, adding a few spacers and then fitting the original fork and a temporary wheel from my 1X1 until my new one is built. Add the ET tyre and test ride. As I want to use this for commuting this summer I needed to change it out as the Fat front is a drag on tarmac, not usually a worry but when the next few months will be about 80 - 90% tarmac then this change makes that so much easier. These high volume ET tyres will be pretty good in the dirt as well, especially the gravel roads we ride.
Added a few spacers to the original forks for a bit more upright stance. It's been fat for a few years and so felt much quicker and far more nimble :) We'll see how it goes but a change is always good. :)