Well as luck would have it I laced up the rim last night for the front of the Big Dummy with the Dyno hub. I haven't got the trueing stand as I usually rely on Brian for either trueing or borrowing the stand, but lockdown being lockdown I may have to rig something up in a pair of forks, at least for this front one.
Anyway, I laced them up last night sitting in front of the fireplace thinking a bit of snow yesterday and the forecast now for rain so will put the fat tyres, fork etc away for another time. Only to wake up this morning to a good bit more fresh snow. Not a huge amount considering we are on the coast but more than enough we could go out and play.
So the semi fat Dummy once again got a reprieve and headed out to tow Caleb around of his sled. This Dummy is such a fun bike and as Heather said, Caleb will soon be big enough to ride it himself and I just love it even though there is no real need. So it will not be getting sold anytime soon.
So we spent a good while out in the field on the tracks toward the beach and up and down the road which was best as it was compacted and the sled just glided. Great fun.
Yesterday we had a bit as well and while no riding I did manage to get the dog out into town with me so we went for a walk up Thurso river, then played in the snow at home and late on we went to the beach across the fields from home. Tide was coming in so it was snow down to the water.
Hope you all had a nice weekend and manged a ride as well.
I seen Brian was out on his Pugsley playing in the snow as well. Shame we can't travel mate otherwise I would be there with you on one of the days at least.